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About the therapist

Uzman Klinik Psikolog Bengisu TURHAN, lisans eğitimine 2015 yılında İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi’nde %25 burslu olarak başlamış ve “Büyük Uzam Uyumluluğunun İnhibisyon Süreçlerine Etkisi” konulu bitirme projesiyle yüksek şeref öğrencisi olarak mezun olmuştur. Lisans eğitimi süresince çeşitli stajlar yaparak mesleğinin alanlarını tanıma ve kendimi geliştirme fırsatı bulmuştur. 2018 yılında İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi’nde gelişim psikolojisi alanında yaz araştırma stajyerliği yapmıştır. 2019 yılında Özel Liman Aile Danışmanlık Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirdiği staj süresince kurumun o dönem üzerinde çalışmakta olduğu “Travma Duyarlı Okul” projesi kapsamında kurum tarafından belirlenen “Travma ve Önyargı” konu başlığı üzerinde literatür taraması yaparak; konuya ilişkin veli, öğretmen ve öğrencilere yönelik bilgilendirici materyaller tasarlama, çocuk danışanlarla iletişime geçip gözlemlerde bulunma ve yetişkin danışanlarla yönelik vaka formülasyonu oluşturma süreçlerine katkıda bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, yetişkin ve çocuk ergen danışanlarla çalışmaya seminerler ve süpervizyon oturumları alarak psikoterapi uygulamalarına dair bilgi sahibi olma şansını yakalamıştır. Lisans eğitiminin son döneminde, gönüllü olarak bir özel eğitim kurumunda çeşitli fiziksel ve zihinsel bozuklukları olan öğrencilerle ve aileleriyle çalışarak hem çocukların eğitim sürecine katkıda bulunmuş, hem de bu alana dair bilgi ve gözlemlerimi artırmıştır. Kurumdaki lise seviyesindeki bazı öğrencilere gönüllü olarak öğretmenlik yaparak bu süreci gerek psikolojik gerekse teknik olarak daha sağlıklı yönetmeleri için onlara eşlik etmiştir. Lisans eğitiminin hemen ardından, Eylül 2020’de İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Klinik Psikoloji Tezli Yüksek Lisans programını kazanmış ve yüksek lisansını “The Association Between Attachment Styles and Rejection Sensitivity in Romantic Relationships: Roles of Emotion Regulation and Intolerance of Uncertainty” başlıklı tezini savunarak Ocak 2023’te tamamlamıştır. Yüksek lisans eğitiminin teorik aşamasını sürdürürken, Bilişsel ve Davranışçı Terapi yaklaşımıyla çalışmak istediğine karar vererek, Prof. Dr. Ebru Şalcıoğlu’ nun kurmuş olduğu Davranış Araştırmaları ve Terapileri Merkezi (DATEM) ‘den Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapiler Eğitimi almıştır. Yüksek lisans eğitiminin klinik uygulama aşaması süresince Bilişsel ve Davranışçı Terapi yaklaşımıyla Klinik Psikolog Dr. Özge ŞAHİN ve Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Ceren GÖKDAĞ süpervizörlüğünde yetişkin danışanlarla yüz yüze ve çevrimiçi danışan takibi gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu süreçte kendini tanıma, kaygı, dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu, öfke problemleri, sınır koyma problemleri ve ilişkisel sorunlar gibi çeşitli alanlarda çalışmıştır. Çeşitli eğitim ve süpervizyonlarla çalışmalarını sürdüren Bengisu TURHAN, halen aktif olarak yetişkin danışanlarla çalışmaktadır.



2020 - DATEM -Klinik Değerlendirme, Vaka Formülasyonu ve Seans Yönetimi – 12 saat

2020 - DATEM- Panik Bozukluk, Agorafobi ve Sosyal Kaygı – 12 saat

2021 - DATEM- Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu – 12 saat

2021 - DATEM- Yaygın Kaygı ve Depresyon – 12 saat

2021 - DATEM- Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk – 12 saat

2021 - DATEM- Yeme Bozuklukları – 12 saat

2021 - DATEM- Kişilik Bozuklukları – 14 saat

2023 - DATEM- Deprem Travması için Kontrol Odaklı Davranış Terapisi – 6 saat

2023 - Kısa Süreli Çözüm Odaklı Terapi - Uzman Klinik Psk. Şenel Karaman


Depression Relationship Problems Procrastination Lack of Motivation Self-esteem Problems Born-out Syndrome (BOT) Adaptation Problems Perfectionism Stress Time Management Career Guidance Attention Deficit Social Anxiety Anxiety Panic Disorder Emotional Eating Adult Psychology Emotions Feeling Worthless and Insignificant Communication Problems Sibling Jealousy Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Phobia
Toplam danışan değerlendirme yaptı


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Expert Therapist Betül Sena Meral

Betül Sena Meral

Expert Therapist
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Expert Clinical Psychologist Betül Sena MERAL completed her undergraduate education at Istanbul Commerce University, Department of Psychology. He received Pedagogical Formation training at Marmara University. He completed his master's degree in Clinical Psychology at Üsküdar University. He completed his master's degree with his thesis titled "Examination of the Relationship Between Social Appearance Anxiety and Perceived Social Support in University Students". During his education, he attended private kindergartens, Bakırköy Prof. Dr. He did his internship at Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital, NPİSTANBUL Neuropsychiatry Hospital. In the early years of her career, she worked in private kindergartens, colleges and special education. During this period, he saw clients in private counseling centers. For the last 4 years, he has been continuing his business life with individual therapy and seminars given in various institutions. He works with adolescents and adults on topics such as depression, social anxiety, stress management, motivation, self-confidence, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, trauma, and coping with difficulties encountered in daily life. He works with -Cognitive Behavioral Therapy -Schema Therapy -EMDR Therapy Schools.

Expert Therapist Dilara Irmak Gaygusuz

Dilara Irmak Gaygusuz

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Clinical Psychologist and Writer Dilara Irmak Gaygusuz completed her undergraduate degree at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of Psychology, and her master's degree in Clinical Psychology at Medipol University. He successfully presented his thesis titled “The Effect of Positive Writing Intervention on Emotion Regulation Skills”. And during his undergraduate life, “Who Am I Actually?” He wrote a book called. In this book, he explains how the world looks from a child's perspective. He actively continues his writing process. She is writing her second book, which tells about a woman's struggle for life and her search for meaning. During his undergraduate education, he did his internship for a total of 10.5 months in the adult inpatient psychiatry service and psychiatry outpatient clinic at Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, and in the child-adolescent inpatient psychiatry service and psychiatry outpatient clinic at Yenimahalle Training and Research Hospital. During his master's degree, he completed his internship in the psychosis service at Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital and ÇAMATEM. He speaks English at an advanced level and French at a beginner level. During his specialist training, he received training on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. He receives training and supervision on the psychodynamic school. Participated in the Dance-Movement Therapy Working Group. He continues his psychodrama training. Publication: Uğurlu, GK, Uğurlu, M., AKINCI, MB, Gaygusuz, DI, Erol, Sibel., APAYDIN, ZK, … & ÇAYKÖYLÜ, A. The role of sleep hygiene and psychopathology in improving the quality of life and treating sleep disorders in cancer patients: A path analysis study. Journal of General Medicine, 31(4), 344-348.

 Hilal Uney

Hilal Uney

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I am Clinical Psychologist Hilal Üney. I graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Psychology in 2018. Then, in 2022, I completed the Clinical Psychology master's program at the University of Bergamo in Italy with distinction. I am currently continuing my doctoral studies in the Research in Psychology program at the University of Valencia in Spain. Since my undergraduate education, I have received training in Dynamic Psychotherapy, EMDR (level 1 and 2), Neuropsychoanalytic Clinical Training, and Transference-Focused Therapy, and I use them eclectically in my clinical practice. In addition, I received Rorschach and TAT Projective Tests Training, Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI-RF-2 Training, Psychological First Aid, and Consultation Training for Psychiatric and Neuropsychological Diseases. I also gained my clinical and internship experiences in various national and international institutions. I worked with immigrants and refugees for 3 months at AMSED (Association Migration Solidarité Echange et Développement) in Strasbourg, France, and for 4 months at Centro Etnoclinico Fo.R.Me – Cooperativa Impresa Sociale Ruah in Bergamo, Italy, working on intercultural psychology and ethnocentric psychology. I gained experience on clinical interview methods. Nationally, I continued my postgraduate research with psoriasis patients at the Dermatology outpatient clinic of Trakya University Faculty of Medicine for 6 months, and I gained various experiences by working with disabled individuals for 4 months at SODAM in Edirne. As someone who attaches importance to professional development, I attended many academic congresses and conferences and presented my own work. I will be completing my master's degree at The Festival of Touch 2023 in Marseille, France, titled "Affective Touch and How Does It Relate to Psychopathology?" I presented it under the name . In 2022, I presented two of my studies (Ways of Moral Justification of Prejudice Against Sex Workers and Ways of Moral Justification of Discrimination Against Animals) at national congresses. As a psychotherapist, my biggest goal is to accompany and guide people in the process of understanding themselves, to bring darkness to light and to save them from the burdens of the past.

 Ece Aydın

Ece Aydın

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Hello, I am Clinical Psychologist Ece Aydın. I graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University Psychology Department with honors in 2021. I started the Clinical Psychology master's program at Istanbul Kent University in 2022. I am currently in the thesis phase of my master's degree. While continuing my university education, I did my internship at Sima Psychology, Yorum Psychological Counseling and French Lape Hospital. It is my priority that the therapy I apply is evidence-based. For this reason, I work with the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy school. In 2021, along with my education at Kent University, I received CBT training from the KDTD Association and DATEM. I received eating disorder training from Feyza Bayraktar and learned the metacognitive therapy school from Anıl Gündüz. There is no end to training in our field, that's why I still continue my training. My main goal in my sessions is that where we start and where we finish is different. I aim for my clients to be their own therapists as a result of the therapy they receive. In this way, they will be able to adapt what they learn in therapy to their future lives and their standard of living will increase.

Expert Therapist Ecem Eker

Ecem Eker

Expert Therapist
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Expert Clinical Psychologist Ecem Eker graduated from Üsküdar University, Department of Psychology in 2018. Then, without taking a break, he successfully completed his master's degree at Üsküdar University, Department of Clinical Psychology and received his specialization. It provides online and face-to-face session support to its clients with appropriate approaches in line with the needs of the individual. His main areas of interest are; depression, anxiety problems, stress and stress management, anger problems, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, relationship-couple problems. Throughout his education and working life, he has attended and continues to participate in congresses, seminars and working groups in a wide variety of fields.

Expert Therapist Kevser Yıldırım

Kevser Yıldırım

Expert Therapist
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I am expert clinical psychologist Kevser Yıldırım. I'm here to support you.

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