
Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40)

Would you know that one of the organs most easily affected by your feelings is the stomach? So, emotions directly affect the eating pattern. For example, when you are stressed, you may eat more or less than usual. It is not directly related to your stomach, but to how you feel. Still, it's okay to go out of your diet some days, but if this spreads over days and reaches a point that affects your daily life, then you need to take a step both for your physical health and to live more peacefully. In addition, eating attitudes are not only related to the diet and how much you eat but also to your relationship with food outside of feeding times and how eating makes you feel. For this, you can solve the Eating Attitudes Test and decide what steps you should take according to your eating attitudes. If you conclude that you have a predisposition to an eating disorder as a result of the test, it would be beneficial to get a specialist's opinion on what type of eating disorder you are tending to. Also, I would like to remind you that this test is not a diagnostic tool, but it can help with making a diagnosis. You can also take this test to realize whether you are predisposed to eating disorder behavior!

1 - Like eating with other people

2 - Prepare foods for others but do not eat what I cook

3 - Become anxious prior to eating

4 - I am terrified about being overweight

5 - Avoid eating when I am hungry

6 - Find myself preoccupied with food

7 - Have gone on eating binges where I feel that I may not be able to stop

8 - Cut my food into small pieces

9 - Aware of the calorie content of foods that I eat

10 - Particularly avoid foods with a high carbohydrate content (e.g. bread‚ potatoes‚ rice etc.)

11 - Feel bloated after meals

12 - Feel that others would prefer if I ate more

13 - Vomit after I have eaten

14 - Feel extremely guilty after eating

15 - Am preoccupied with a desire to be thinner

16 - Exercise strenuously to burn off calories

17 - Weigh myself several times a day

18 - Like my clothes to fit tightly

19 - Enjoy eating meat

20 - Wake up early in the morning

21 - Eat the same food day after day

22 - Think about burning up calories when I exercise

23 - Have regular menstrual periods

24 - Others think that I'm too thin

25 - I am preoccupied with the thought of ha‎ving fat on my body

26 - Take longer than others to eat my meals

27 - Enjoy eating at restaurants

28 - Take laxatives

29 - Avoid foods with sugar in them

30 - Eat diet foods

31 - Feel that food controls my life

32 - Display self control around food

33 - Feel that others pressure me to eat

34 - Give too much time and thought to food

35 - Suffer from constipation

36 - Feel uncomfortable after eating sweets

37 - Engage in dieting behavior

38 - Like my stomach to be empty

39 - Enjoy trying new rich foods

40 - Have the impulse to vomit after meals

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