
Empathy Questionnaire

Do you often feel that you are not understood by certain people or don't understand them? Or vice versa? So, have you ever thought that it might be related to empathy? Empathy is the process of putting oneself in the other person's place and looking at things from his point of view, understanding and feeling the feelings and thoughts of that person correctly, and communicating this situation to him. That is just what we need in interpersonal relationships! So, what is your level of empathy? Let's test this together! Before we start, I would like to point out that this test is not a test to make a definitive judgment; but only a test that can give an idea.

1 - Other people’s misfortunes do not disturb me a great deal.

2 - It upsets me to see someone being treated disrespectfully.

3 - I remain unaffected when someone close to me is happy.

4 - I enjoy making other people feel better.

5 - When a friend starts to talk about his\her problems, I try to steer the conversation towards something else.

6 - I can tell when others are sad even when they do not say anything.

7 - I do not feel sympathy for people who cause their own serious illnesses.

8 - I become irritated when someone cries.

9 - I am not really interested in how other people feel.

10 - I get a strong urge to help when I see someone who is upset.

11 - When I see someone being treated unfairly, I do not feel very much pity for them.

12 - I find it silly for people to cry out of happiness.

13 - When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of protective towards him\her.

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