
Warwick - Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale

Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to choose among their emotions, to use their feelings to direct their life, and to improve their quality of life. So, it has nothing to do with how intelligent the person is. Based on this explanation, you understand that having a high or low level of emotional intelligence has nothing to do with being in a very good or bad psychological state. Whatever the test results, I should remind you that this cannot be an exact judgment because only an expert psychologist can conclude. So, do you want to know what level of your emotional intelligence is?

1 - I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future

2 - I’ve been feeling useful

3 - I’ve been feeling relaxed

4 - I’ve been feeling interested in other people

5 - I’ve had energy to spare

6 - I’ve been dealing with problems well

7 - I’ve been thinking clearly

8 - I’ve been feeling good about myself

9 - I’ve been feeling close to other people

10 - I’ve been feeling confident

11 - I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things

12 - I’ve been feeling loved

13 - I’ve been interested in new things

14 - I’ve been feeling cheerful

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