
Beck Anxiety Inventory

Anxiety disorder is a psychological difficulty that causes a person to feel anxious and have uncontrollable responses to these emotions. Since fear and anxiety are crucial and protective feelings, it is beneficial for you to feel these emotions when necessary, but if it becomes permanent, they may start to force you. You can use the Beck Anxiety Scale to gauge how hard it is for you. If you conclude that your anxiety level is high, it is beneficial to consult to an expert psychologist to eliminate the symptoms and take a step toward a more peaceful life. In addition, I would like to remind you that this test is not a diagnostic tool; but can help with making a diagnosis. Only an expert psychologist can make the most accurate diagnosis. Now you can take the test and understand yourself better!

1 - Numbness or tingling

2 - Feeling hot

3 - Wobbliness in legs

4 - Unable to relax

5 - Fear of worst happening

6 - Dizzy or lightheaded

7 - Heart pounding / racing

8 - Unsteady

9 - Terrified or afraid

10 - Nervous

11 - Feeling of choking

12 - Hands trembling

13 - Shaky / unsteady

14 - Fear of losing control

15 - Difficulty in breathing

16 - Fear of dying

17 - Scared

18 - Indigestion

19 - Faint / lightheaded

20 - Face flushed

21 - Hot / cold sweats

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