
Beck Depression Inventory

Sometimes it is natural to feel many negative emotions such as fatigue, malaise, and lack of motivation. However, when these negative feelings start to drain your life energy and make you unmotivated towards life, depression can occur. If you've been feeling tired, depressed, and unmotivated for at least a week, solving this quiz can help you understand yourself. Because all the emotional, intellectual, and physical propositions you will see in the Beck Depression Test point to common symptoms that may be related to the severity of depression in the person. If you conclude that your depression level is severe, it is beneficial to consult an expert psychologist to eliminate the symptoms and step into a more comfortable life. In addition, I would like to remind you that this test is not diagnostic; but can help diagnose. Only a specialist psychologist can make the most accurate diagnosis. Now you can take the test and understand yourself better!

1 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

2 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

3 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

4 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

5 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

6 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

7 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

8 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

9 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

10 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

11 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

12 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

13 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

14 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

15 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

16 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

17 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

18 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

19 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

20 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

21 - Choose the one that suits you best from the suggestions below.

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